Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Applying Social Work Theory

Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Applying Social Work Theory

Price: £18.99

Brand: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC


Description: As a social worker, theory can offer meaningful ways to better understand and support the people you work with. However, sometimes it can be challenging to connect the theories learned about in class and training, with the complex real-life situations encountered as a practitioner. Applying Social Work Theory: A Journal is an innovative tool for learning and applying social work theory to practice. Designed to be written in, this unique journal encourages more active and creative engagement with theory in three parts:· Part I introduces twelve of the most common theories covered on social work courses, with case studies to illustrate how these can be applied· Part II demonstrates how you can apply multiple theories to three complex case studies from social work practice· Part III offers guidance on writing your own case studies based on your practice placement Each chapter starts with a short and accessible summary of the theory and then presents five practical steps to help you understand and use the theory in your practice. By answering reflective questions, completing exercises and applying theories to case studies and your own experiences, you will become more confident in engaging with theory. This book is a must-have companion for social work students on placement and qualified social workers new to the field.


Category: Books

Merchant: Waterstones

Product ID: 9781350344105

Delivery cost: 2.99

ISBN: 9781350344105

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