Air Supplies Books

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  • Air Supplies Touching Cloudbase

    Price: £25.00

    Brand: Air Supplies


    Description: Touching Cloudbase first appeared in 1991 to wide acclaim and soon became the standard manual for anyone starting paragliding. More than 43,000 copies have been sold worldwide since then. This extensively revised and expanded sixth edition includes all the latest information on training, including a task-by-task analysis of the Pilot Rating System. It has extensive sections on Paramotoring, Tandem (2-person) flying, choosing equipment (including a comprehensive guide to the certification procedures), flying in different countries and terrain, and details on expeditions, Speed and Acro flying. This really is a complete guide, covering everything from the history of the sport to innovations and the future - from what is involved in your first day's training to flying cross-country or becoming an instructor. The syllabus for the British Hang-gliding and Paragliding Associations' training programme right up to Pilot level, is covered, including a section on how to pass your exams with sample questions. It has a reference section packed with useful contacts and web addresses.

    Category: Books

    Delivery cost: 0.00

    ISBN: 9780952886235

    Waterstones for filtered display

    Merchant: Waterstones

    Product ID: 9780952886235